We welcome new community partners!

We know the need

80% of churches have less than 100 members, which means they likely lack the funds to offer assistance to everyone who asks for it. At First Refuge, we never turn clients away because of inability to pay. We know the need in Denton County is great and people turn to churches for financial assistance to cover their basic physical needs. Most churches don't have the facility or the budget to provide for all the needs of the hurting in our community.

That's where partnership comes in!

We invite churches and ministries to become monthly financial supporters and then we ask them to send us clients and patients who will benefit from our medical clinic, dental clinic, food pantry and/or our counseling ministry. Check out more about what we do using the menu at the top and then email us. If your church, organization or ministry would like to come tour the facility or become a partner, we're open! (we'll even hang a certificate with your name on our Partner Wall of Fame!).

“Our goal is to share the Gospel and offer lasting hope and healing through the love of Jesus Christ.”